About Tails on Trails

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Animal behaviourists and vets agree that it’s important for dogs to spend time in natural pack environments. The dog walking services offered by Tails on Trails provide fun, excitement, and exercise for your pooch. This can help to reduce stress, boredom and anxiety, which can in turn reduce digging, chewing, and other behavioural problems.

If you’re looking for dog walking in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney, Vignesh (Vicky) from Tails on Trails would love to meet your pooch! Vicky has looked after and loved animals all of his life, from a childhood spent in the country to voluntary work with dog rescue shelters.


Tails on Trails is Vicky’s way of sharing his passion for pooches while helping out busy dog owners along the way. Vicky has completed animal obedience and trick training as well as First Aid for Dogs, and he has a good understanding of canine health and husbandry.

Vet Approved Dog Walking Services and More

Tails on Trails is approved by vets and loved by pets! Vicky would love to walk your dog on a regular or casual basis, and if they have a grooming, dog wash, or vet appointment during the session, he will drop them off and pick them up too.

Fully insured and offering air conditioned transport, Tails on Trails also provides day care, holiday care, as well as washing and towel drying on walk days. We’ll even visit your cat at home while you’re away!

  The Tails on Trails team loves spending time with dogs, and our clients and their pooches would agree that they love walk time too!


To learn more, explore our services and get in touch today.

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